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Who are we?


Matias Schapiro

Mr. Schapiro is a young businessman and entrepreneur.
Born in 1982 in the city of La Plata in Argentina and turned Israeli since the beginning of 2001, due to his love for the state of Israel.
He has excelled since before 2000 for its leadership, entrepreneurship and its various multitasking capabilities, vision and innovation in international business in different fields.
successful management positions at different startups and large corporations in Israel, as well as currently serving as Founder and CEO of his last companies.
Mr Schapiro is active in different forums of public security, defense and international trade. He is also an active member at several forums and others as is for example the case of Israel -
Spain Chamber of Commerce as a member of the Board of the Directors of the camera.
Coursed his degrees in "International Relations" and "Spanish and Latin American Studies" at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
He had been volunteering throughout his life, in different organizations related to Jewish communities and leadership abroad, as well as providing assistance and activities of Israeli children from low income families.
He speaks Spanish, Hebrew, English, Portuguese and understands Italian and French.

Ezequiel Burstein
Board Member

Ezequiel Burstein

A professional in the Jewish Diaspora field.  Represented the Government of Israel through the Keren Hayesod-UIA in Mexico.

Worked in the Jewish Agency for Israel for ten years, in various positions: Deputy Director of the Department of Aliyah, Oleh Services Director, Director of the Aliyah Department for Latin America, and director of Relations with Olim, Shlichim, and offices worldwide. Has been sent to various assignments throughout Latin America interviewing applicants and making Aliyah presentations in different topics. Managed the training and evaluation division in the Global Center.

Prior to that, the editor of the website of the Jewish Agency in Spanish and correspondent for Radio Jai Tajana Merkazit program in Argentina. Guided several young and youth groups.

Board of Directors

Gaston Saidman
Member of the Board

After serving as a combat soldier in the IDF, worked in the Education Ministry's

security. During those years functioned as chairman of the "Committee of young

immigrants from Latin America". While serving in this position he got to know

firsthand the problems of the community of immigrants from Latin America.

In 2006, he joined the headquarters of the Mayor of Jerusalem, Nir Barkat, as part of

the Youth Movement and the "Aliya" Committee of the Jerusalem Municipality.

He also functioned as secretary of the Confederation "Greater Jerusalem" and a

member of the political party "Israel Our Home". He is currently a student of political

science and Middle Eastern studies.

In 2008, he joined Eli Avidar's forum "Smart Middle East" where he started the youth

movement in order to inform the Western world of the Latin American continent's

cultural perspective.

Gaston's articles can be found in the Spanish newspaper "Aurora".

Ricardo Berkiensztat
Member of the Board

Ricardo Berkiensztat,  is the Executive President of the Jewish Federation of the State of São Paulo.

He has a degree in journalism from the Pontificial Catholic University of São Paulo.

Ricardo was a member of young movements and made his career on the community inside the Federation beginning as a Youth Director, after that, he became the Youth Vice-President and Political Vice-President until taking over the professional job of Executive-President.

This job title consists of having contact with the Brazilian society as politicians, journalists and other decision makers, coordinating several areas like social work, education, security issues, youth and communication, and a close relation with the State of Israel.

Ricardo organized the first Brazilian group to March of the Living and coordinated several non Jewish groups who travelled to Israel as a Hasbará movement in coordinate with American Jewish Committee (AJC)

Uriel Aiskovich

Member of the Board

CEO and entrepreneur of the "Shagriria" program. Director of various programs andsynagogues, coordinator for the "Dove" Jewish Center. Board Member and founder of the "Alt Noiland Foundation" in Argentina, which promotes arts and culture as a basis for understanding and respect for diversity in the Argentinian society.

He is a professor of political science at the University of Buenos Aires, and the founder of the "MINU" voluntary association.

Abogada Mariel Epelman
Member of the Board

Mariel Epelman was born in Argentina. She is an advocate admitted to de Buenos Aires Bar Association in 1992 and to the Israel Bar Association in 1995. She became a Mediator in 2000 and is an authorized Notary since 2006.

She is a partner of Rosenberg, Abrahamovich, Keren – Polak, Epelman, law office. The firm's practice is highly international and therefore, in addition to the Spanish affiliation with the leading Spanish law firm of Cremades, Calvo Sotelo with strong activities in Spain and Latin America.

Mariel is in charge of the firm's Spanish desk and involved in business and legal activities in Spain and Latin America, including representation of Companies, international inheritance, investments, real state and international transactions.

She is a Board member of the Israel-Latin America Chamber of Commerce, a member of the Israel-Spain Chamber of Commerce and representative of the Israel Bar Association for the relationship with the Spanish and Latin America Bars.

Federico Martin Gaon
Member of the Board

A graduate of International Relations at the University of Palermo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
Extensive experience in the "United Nations Model" and the international metropolis. Professorand coordinator of the program "shagriria". In recent years, he worked as an intern at the Israeli Embassy in Argentina, and after that functioned as a coordinator of internalcommunications at AIESEC

CPA Nicolas Riback

Member of the Board

Certified Public Accountant in Israel and Argentina.

Provides services from Ashdod to the whole country.
He has a twelve year's experience in Israel.
The office provides accounting, financial and tax services to small and medium  businesses.
The office  service is personalized,  issues associated with the operation of the business.

He provides advice to new immigrants about their rights, in relation to labor issues and open businesses.


Meny Samra Cohen

Meny Samra Cohen was born in Lebanon on November 4th, 1961. He grew up in a very small Jewish community. By 1975, after the civil war in Lebanon started he leaves to Cyprus with his family, where the Israeli Embassy supports them in order to arrive to this country.
After a brief period of time in Israel, they went to Mexico establishing as their base main source of work “La Merced” market where after a long period of hard work the Samra Cohen family stands out.
After 1980,Meny Samra takes an active part in Monte Sinai Youth, from there and until being Vice President of the Monte Sinai Community. In 2003 Mr. Samra is given is given recognition to the Citizen Merit with the Medal José María Morelos y Pavón.
Meny Samra attended the Advanced Management Program Business aka as (AD-2) at the American Institute of Business Management: IPADE. Also, has a Diploma in International Business at the Iberoamericana University.
In 2004 receives the Herzl Award from the World Zionist Organization as a Jewish Leader Merit, of Excellence.
In 2009 is inter-founder of the group "New Leaders" which has become the hotbed of important leaders who now occupy senior positions within the community.
Meny Samra is constant promoter of major projects in Israel as the construction of the Asif School in Asaf Hospital Ha Rofe (Natanya), the Alut stays for children with autism (Haifa and Kfar-Saba), the Nuclear Wing Hospital Hillel Yafe (Hedera) and remodeling Hadassa Neurim village for youth at high risk.
He is currently Advisor and Director of the Chair of the Public Welfare Alliance Mount Sinai. Is also the President of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mexico-Israel, besides being General Director of both Exiplastic and Funsam Groups. He is also an active member in the National Association of Plastic Industries: ANIPAC.


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